
Friday, February 13, 2015

Book Talk: Like No Other

I love book talks!  I got the idea from teacher superstars Dr. Katherine Mason and Penny Kittle and have made them a weekly staple in my classroom.  The idea is to show kids what you're reading, introduce them to new books, and basically get them excited about what's out there.  I choose high-interest young adult literature that I've recently read and, on Fridays, I start the class with a book talk.  I've posted an example below.  After I book talk a book, it goes in my classroom library along the back wall for kids to check out.

If I ever forget the kids remind me, and I definitely notice that the books I book talk get checked out more often than the other books in my library.

I highly recommend book talks.  The best way to encourage reading in your students is to be an enthusiastic, vocal reader yourself! 

ps. I kinda sorta like WSU, if you hadn't noticed.


  1. Love it! Were your students in the room as you filmed? I have just added this book to my "want to read" list on Goodreads. Thanks for the recommendation, Ms. VC!

  2. Thanks so much for sharing your book talk! I too have experienced the book talks in Dr. Mason’s class and loved them! I love to read to my children, and I think that no matter how old you are it is nice to be read to as well. I this could be particularly useful for those students who are not avid readers and don’t experience the pleasure of falling in love with a book because they struggle to simply understand the content they are reading. There is something amazing about the way that a book can grab our attention without the main stream tools that are usually employed in our fast paced everyday lives like movie trailers with their exciting sound effects and cinematography. Book talks give a glimpse into that simple pleasure and provide unique opportunities for students to experience the pull and anticipation of literature in a way that they may not have had before in their own lives as readers!

    I really like that you recorded this book talk. You have inspired me to try this for my students as a kind of video library that they can flip through when they need to refresh themselves about a book that we have discussed in class. It might also be helpful in book clubs and social media as well. Inviting students to participate in the recording process of their own book talks as a class to compile their own classroom library would be a great way to purposefully integrate technology into the classroom as well. Thanks again for sharing! I am going to have to check out the rest of your posts for more great ideas!


  3. Dr. Mason- no, I chickened out and filmed it during my plan. I tend to walk around when students are in the room and didn't want to make one of them follow me around with the iPad!

    Ms. Springs- Thanks for reading and commenting! I love the video library idea. It could be a YouTube channel, even!
