
Saturday, January 31, 2015

Alternative Book Report: The Winter People

The first assignment for this class which I plan to carry over into my own classroom is the alternative book report.  I plan to give students one month to read a young adult book of their choice (one they haven't read before and isn't a movie) and to create two new ways to report on their book. 

I plan to assign two separate parts of the report:  one written and one spoken.  Many of my students are uncomfortable speaking in front of the class, but KCCRS include speaking proficiency.  (See standards SL11-12.4, 5 & 6.)  Therefore, one way for them to practice these skills without having to undergo extreme anxiety would be by a voice recording.  They could record their report in the comfort of their own homes and, once the time comes to present for the class, they could simply press play.  They would still of course have to answer questions from their peers, but this could be a segue into getting more comfortable with speaking in front of the class.

I have attached an example of this that is also meant to count as my alternative book report.  I read Jennifer McMahon's The Winter People and made a recording of an NPR-type book review.  I also made an example of an alternative book report for writing, but I left it at school, so I will upload it Monday.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I enjoyed listening to this very much, and I've marked this book as "to read" in my Goodreads list. I look forward to hearing how this assignment goes in your classroom with your students, Ms. VC. Thank you for sharing your ideas!
